You do not just go to a stranger on the street and start talking about your life, so why do you want to see your Facebook profile?
Click the gear icon you see on the top right corner of the screen. Then click on Privacy Settings.
You are now in the area of Facebook Privacy Settings & Tools. From here you can control 'Who can see my stuff?
Choose from:
- Public (meaning, obviously, everyone)
- people
- only you
- Custom (which allows you to limit some of your friends to see your message)
Choose what is best for you, but be sure to 'Public' is not selected. What you choose will become the default each time an update is published value (although you still have the option to selectively change for each individual update this posting in the future).
To limit the old messages you may have made available to everyone or friends of friends, then you can do this individually in the activity log, or you can choose to 'old age Limit your posts timeline '. This will change everything you've ever posted only be seen by your friends.
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