Camly - A Responsive Blogger Theme, Lets Take your blog to the next level.

This is an example of a Optin Form, you could edit this to put information about yourself.

This is an example of a Optin Form, you could edit this to put information about yourself or your site so readers know where you are coming from. Find out more...

Following are the some of the Advantages of Opt-in Form :-

  • Easy to Setup and use.
  • It Can Generate more email subscribers.
  • It’s beautiful on every screen size (try resizing your browser!)

Windows 8 tips and tricks

Customize your tiles.


 Make the most of the tabs in the Windows startup screen by adjusting the sizes, where they are located , and what is on the list.

Move the tiles by clicking and dragging the tile. While moving a card , if you need a broader view of the home screen you move the piece to the top or bottom of the screen to zoom out.

2.Use the mouse wheel to scroll from left to right across the tabs.

3.Any desktop shortcut or the program can be set to the Home screen , click the icon and select pin  to start .

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Top 10 computer mouse tips.

Most computer users do not take full advantage of the computer mouse . Below are computer mouse tips and secrets that will help you get the most out of your computer mouse and increase productivity while on the computer.

1. Shift key and click the mouse

Many text editors and programs allow you to highlight all or parts of text using the Shift key and the mouse. For example , place the cursor at the beginning of a paragraph in a text editor , hold down the Shift key and click at the end of the paragraph to highlight the entire paragraph.

Bonus tip : If you hold down the Alt key while you drag and highlight text in a text editor allows you to selectively highlight text. This can be useful if your point or another text in a column.
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On-Page SEO Tips for PR Pros.


What is On-Page SEO?

 On page SEO is what is done in the text people see when they read your website , blog , or any part of its content online.

It used to be SEO is all about what happened in the back end of your website. The meta descriptions and title tags and links were fashionable . But then experts discovered that Google search was the game system and changed its algorithm.

Now Google wants to see good content with keywords inserted in the way a human could read. What they found was before what is called keyword stuffing . An expert search word or phrase would wanted to rank for and put in a piece of content as often could peak Gust. This will alert search engines are relevant to that topic and the page would be returned at the top of search results .
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SEO Tips for Launching a New Website and New Brand

The launch of a new website is difficult. Launching a new brand that the new website can be downright crazy.

Ask Moz. Or iAcquire. Apparently, 2013 is the year of rebranding marketing agencies, and I am happy to announce that we are part of that list, too: Last week, 352 Media Group became 352.

They spent 2 ½ months building our new website and our new brand were the hardest I've ever worked in my life. They were also the most rewarding, and despite my incessant cursing, not trade it for anything. Why? Because look at the ancient site.
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New Face book Tricks 2013

1.Set Automatic Birthday Wish for Your Friends

 Facebook+Birthday1 Top 10 Facebook Tricks You Don’t Know
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